Sunday, June 16, 2013

- crafting with caitlin vol 1

Huzzah! A new post and a new feature! I know I've done a craft on here before (see Finger Paints: Puppy Edition) but we'll call this "Crafting with Caitlin vol 1."  I know it's been a while since I updated, so because my readers are incredibly lovely and patient, I decided why not do TWO crafts instead of one? So that's what I did and I made it super easy for you to follow along. * BTW who loves the deer head and spot light on my face from the sun in this picture? I felt it added character, so I left it!

* A book of some sort (I chose my Bible because it definitely needed a makeover), some permanent markers, buttons & ribbon (if you want to decorate your book like I did), a white mug, hot glue gun, Mod Podge, & some scrap fabric.

* Baking this makes the permanent marker safe to wash without the worry of it rubbing off. A tip for when you decorate the cup - if you happen to mess up (which I did many times) take a Q-tip and some nail polish remover, the marker will come right off and you can start over. 

* I used both Mod Podge and hot glue when securing the edges, just for some extra strength. At the end I added a ribbon by putting a dot of hot glue on the top and tucking it into the gap of the binding on the spine, just as you did with the fabric. The buttons were hot glued as well.

I hope you enjoyed these two crafts and get the itch to try them out. If you do, link me to a picture, I'd love to see how yours turned out!

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