Thursday, June 6, 2013

- things i love thursday

Happy Thursday, everyone! One of my favorite features on a few different blogs that I follow is TiLT, so each Thursday you should be able to come here and see a post about all the things I'm loving/what's catching my attention this week. 

Ugh all of this. Anne Hathaway's speech on equal rights.

Because we all know a certain someone we'd love to give this cake to.

The things Harry Potter has taught us! I love this even despite the tiny typo :)

Yes! Truer words have never been spoken.

I love these vintage weight gain advertisements. It really shows the difference of  how beauty was perceived back in the  40s and 50s.

I'm a sucker for literary jokes. I can't tell you how long I laughed at this one

This phone case from Urban Outfitters. Because it usually is.

This motivational sentiment.

I know it's 2013 and I already showed you an e-card, but I mean really. True dat.

Have any of you guys seen this video on YouTube? It's kind of (okay extremely) riddled with stereotypes but it needs to be made into a real movie. It would totally knock Mean Girls 2 out of the water. I also can't tell you how much I laughed while watching it.

                                       What's been catching your eye this week?